Sunday School

This year’s theme verse is Exodus 15:2a, which is part of the song of praise that Moses and all of Israel sang to God
after He demonstrated His power by rescuing them at the Red Sea. After delivering Israel from Egypt, God led His
people to the shores of the Red Sea. As Pharaoh and his army approached Israel was convinced that they were
doomed. But God had other plans—plans to show His strength and His salvation. And when God’s people saw His
power at work for them, they lifted a song of praise to Him.
This year:
Focus on how God’s strength and power is still at work on our behalf;
Help your children understand that God’s power shown through Christ has provided for our eternal salvation; and
Lift up songs of praise throughout the year to God.
We currently have six classes:
Kindergarten (Grade K)
Hikers (Grades 1-2)
Adventures (Grades 3-4)
Navigators (Grades 5-6)
Young Adult (Grades 7-12)